ESU 13: Workshops: Workshop Details
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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopLead Nebraska
DepartmentDepartmentESU 13 Scottsbluff
Default ContactDefault ContactMichelle Keszler
Default LocationScottsbluff-B/C
Event Description: The  program, developed by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NCSA, and ESU
leaders, introduces participants (Fellows) to Nebraska leadership standards
and provides them with exposure to the work of building level administration providing a
foundation for future leadership roles and/or administrative certification.  Fellows would
be expected to read assigned texts and articles, complete work on their own time on
leadership projects, and complete leadership shadowing experiences. Fellows would
have the ability to apply this work towards graduate credit for a Master's degree or
Administrative endorsement at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.  Information on
tuition costs and how to register will be provided by the Educational Administration
Department at UNL for those interested.  Cost for non-credit seeking participants is
$200. Contact for information 
The program will take place over the course of the year beginning with two in-person
sessions at ESU 13 this summer followed by a mixture of online and in-person sessions
(6 total).  Regardless of whether the session is taking place in-person or online, the
following format will be used: Half of each session is spent on the understanding of the
NDE’s NTPPS and UNL Educational Administration Core Competencies and half spent
on practical/immersive experiences, case studies, and authentic scenarios.  Presenting
staff would be comprised of EDAD faculty and special invited Leadership Luminaries
from across the state.

Date: 6/16/2022

Is this a recurring event? If yes, please provide dates.: Yes --- June 16 & 17

Start Time: 8:00:00 AM

End Time: 4:00:00 PM
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