ESU 13: Workshops: Workshop Details
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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopEDCI 5959-60S A Framework for Understanding Poverty
DepartmentDepartmentESU 13 Scottsbluff
Default ContactDefault ContactJadie Beam
Default LocationScottsbluff-B/C
DescriptionLooking for ways to enhance your literacy curriculum and to support student
learning of college and career readiness standards?

Nebraska Materials Adaptation
Project Training
June 11 & 12
9:00 am – 3:00 pm

ESU 13
4215 Ave I
Scottsbluff, NE 69361

What is the Nebraska Materials Adaptation Project?
High-quality instructional materials are an essential ingredient to a system that supports student learning - put simply, materials matter! The goal of the Nebraska Materials Adaptation Project, facilitated by Student Achievement Partners, is to offer guidance on how to best use or adapt essential features of J ourneys and Wonders in order to more closely align the materials to the expectations of rigorous college- and career-ready standards.

The Nebraska Materials Adaptation Project for Journeys and Wonders will help you and your teachers know how to focus on what matters most for developing proficient and confident readers, writers, listeners and speakers while working towards college- and career- readiness.

Note: Those that do not use Journeys or Wonders are welcome to join the training and will receive transferable learning
about high-quality instructional materials and a potential model of adapting your own materials for better alignment.

Who should attend?
District/School Curriculum Leaders & Supervisors, Instructional Coaches, ESU Staff Developers, Lead Teachers,
* Attending in teams is highly encouraged for site-specific planning time!

What will the Training involve?
? Day One: A workshop-style, one-day training with curriculum-specific breakout groups ( Journeys,Wonders ) in the afternoon.
? Day Two: Time for reflection and supported action planning in district, school or service unit teams.
