ESU 13: Workshops: Workshop Details
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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshop(Red)Self-Care/Stress Reduction/Compassion Fatigue (Repeat)
DepartmentDepartmentESU 13 Scottsbluff
Default ContactDefault ContactPaul Smith
Default LocationHATC, 2620 College Park, Scottsbluff
DescriptionThis presentation will: 1) Provide a definition of
Compassion Fatigue and other related issues, 2) Provide
some signs and symptoms of Compassion Fatigue, and,
3) ABC’s of Prevention in order to reduce stress. You will
then be better able to identify factors that may lead to
compassion fatigue in your work, identify coping
strategies to help deal with compassion fatigue and ways
to develop ways to find support for yourself and your
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