ESU 13: Workshops: Workshop Section Details
REGISTRATION POLICY: Registration deadline is one week prior to workshop unless otherwise noted. Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance and no-shows will be billed.
Workshop SectionWorkshop SectionQualtrics: Best practice in survey methodology ~ April 7, 2025
RegistrationRegistrationClick here to register for this section.
DepartmentDepartmentESU 13 Scottsbluff
Primary ContactPrimary ContactNici Johnson
DescriptionQualtrics: Best practice in survey methodology: question design, deployment, results analysis

The choices are as follows:
·      Qualtrics 101: General platform training for those who need an introduction or refresher on the platform and what it can do 
·      Qualtrics 201: ticketing, ai, workflows and other advanced platform training
·      Best practice in survey methodology: question design, deployment, results analysis
·      Survey governance planning: communications, survey road map, consistent commitments in survey experience
StatusStatusThis section is currently open.
7 Registered
0 Minimum; 0 Maximum
Section Dates
April 7, 202510:30 AM11:10 AM
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Registration Fees
LunchLunch will not be provided.
College CreditThis section is not available for college credit.